Pearl Jam Shirts, Pearl Jam Concert Posters & Pearl Jam Merch now on Merchbar!

It’s not just Pearl Jam’s music but Pearl Jam shirts, Pearl Jam posters and – for those that wanted to go a step beyond Pearl Jam Merch – Pearl Jam tattoos that have been the center of many fan’s lives for decades now.

Pearl Jam has long been a band that has pushed the boundaries of whatever they do. Repeatedly reinventing themselves musically, but also challenging the status quo on ticketing and personally creating one of the most well-loved fan clubs on the planet.

You may not know this but Pearl Jam, as massive as they are, still run their merchandise program from directly within their organization. Easily one of the largest individual artist programs in the country they also have another distinction: They are one of the most respected.

So it’s with huge respect to the innovators and fan-supporters that make up the band and their team that we announce Pearl Jam as our very first direct artist to join Merchbar.

Now fans can get official Pearl Jam t-shirts, Pearl Jam vinyl, Pearl Jam posters and more authentic Pearl Jam merch directly from Merchbar as well as sign up for Pearl Jam Merch Alerts to find out instantly as soon as Pearl Jam releases new merchandise.

Pearl Jam has created some of the most memorable and highly sought-after merch items for their fans throughout the years. Pearl Jam posters can fetch up to $500 while Pearl Jam vinyl is auctioned for over $2,000 on sites like eBay. Pearl Jam is also known for having merch-only events for superfans who want to get their hands on the latest Pearl Jam merch. We’re excited to welcome Pearl Jam fans and we can’t wait to see what Pearl Jam offers up next. Check out some of their newest merch below and find some rare gems in our Pearl Jam store.

Pearl Jam Detroit Poster

Pearl Jam Concert Poster — Detroit

Pearl Jam Logo tee

Pearl Jam Logo Tee

Pearl Jam Tiger Bolt Sweatshirt

Ladies Pearl Jam Tiger Bolt Long Sleeve Tee

Pearl Jam Lightning Bolt Vinyl

Pearl Jam Lightning Bolt on Vinyl

>>Pearl Jam Merch Store on Merchbar<<

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