AppStore Screenshots Template w/ Layer Comps & Art Boards

TLDR: One simple and fast template to create App Store screenshots for every iPhone size at once.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 21.04.10

Click here to download the Merchbar App Store Screenshots Photoshop Template.


In the process of making Merchbar 2.0 we decided to throw out our old, dirty, nasty, gross, janked, multi-screenshot into action way of creating all of the different image sizes required by Apple and start over.

With Photoshop CC 2015, Photoshop finally received Artboard support. If you don’t know artboards, they are basically like separate documents all in the same document – you can view them all at once, share resources, styles and layer comps and a lot more. Just so happens they are also perfect for this task.

First we created the artboards we were going to need – one for each resolution of iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 6 and the big daddy – iPhone 6+.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.35.48

Once we had our baseline we added in images of iPhones (you don’t have to do it this way, we just think they look better when you show the phone).

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.37.57

One thing you’ll notice is that we decided to use a 6+ for all the screenshots. Why would we do that?

Well, we originally laid out the document with the appropriate phone in each screen but as we got further along we realized even though the iPhone 4 is smaller than the 6+ it is proportionally larger so scaled down to fit our iPhone 4 screenshot size, the iPhone 6+ took up much less space than the iPhone 4.

We are huge fans of single sentences that describe your app in each screenshot so we left room for that descriptive text. But when we implemented the text we did two things to make it even easier…

First, we used SmartObjects for each screenshot of text. When you edit one of the screens text, it will automatically update all of the other areas – and because it is text it will automatically be pixel perfect in every comp.

Here’s what the smart object looks like:

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.30.48

And here’s what it looks like with that same text across all 4 of the screens:

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.30.58


You’ll note we decided to go ultra-Apple and use the new San Francisco font family they recently released – specifically SF UI Display Thin.

We then made a different text layer smart object for each of the five screenshots. This way you can keep edits for each layer and update or change them individually.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.47.57

The other awesome thing this allows you to do is set up layer comps for each of the five screenshots you have. Layer comps allow you to save different states of visibility, position and layer styles so you don’t need to manually toggle every layer each time you want to change something.

So obviously we set up layer comps for each of the 5 different screens.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 20.30.16

Going one step further, I’ve set up keyboard shortcuts to allow me to jump back and forth between layer comps so I can instantly move and compare how all the different states look next to each other. This only takes a couple of minutes to set up and works like a charm.

The final step of the process was to capture and place screenshots for each of the phones on each of the screens.

Originally we had planned to use smart objects for the screenshots as well – take 5 screenshots and apply them to each of the 4 different sizes. Unfortunately in practice this ends up looking pretty bad. Remember all the time you spent optimizing your layouts in X Code so they would look so snappy on all the different devices?

Turns out there was a reason and while we’ve saved a lot of time above, here we’re going to have to grind through and take screenshots on 3 different devices (iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 can both use the same since the iPhone 5 screen is only a tad longer and everything is at the same resolution).

The doc attached includes all of the right masking at the folder level so just drop your screenshots in the Screenshots > Images folder and they won’t creep over the sides of the phone.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 21.00.00

One thing to note is you want the alignment of the images pixel perfect or as the user swipes through the different screens the images won’t line up. That’s bad.

If you are feeling super OCD you can ensure all of your screenshots show the same time. (Note: No one will ever see this unless you blog about it.)

Screenshot 2015-12-02 21.04.10

From here on out, most of your time will be spent tweaking your content and images from an editorial perspective.

Once you have everything the way you like it…

Bad news.

Not terrible news, but bad news. For some reason Adobe dropped the ball here and instead of using our trusty friend Export > Layer Comps to Files we have to save each image individually.

For some crazy reason Adobe decided that Layer Comps to Files would export the entire project’s view of that layer comp instead of each artboard separately.

The good news is they did create a new Quick Export as PNG function that allows you to export each artboard as a PNG. So the process is to cycle through each layer comp and save each screen with a Quick Export.

To do this just right click on the folder containing your artboard and right click to pull up the Menu. Then click Quick Export to PNG.

Screenshot 2015-12-02 21.09.50 Honestly, it isnt terrible but it could be better.

As you save your files make sure to name them in such a way you’ll know what is what as you add them to iTunes Connect.

And that’s pretty much it. Make em look great!

Want to see how ours turned out? Check out check out Merchbar in the App Store here.

Want to work with the world’s most influential artists and the best fans? We’re hiring. Hit us up. 


Apple App Screenshots Template with Layer Comps and Artboards


  • Layer Comps for each Layer
  • Smart Objects for all Text
  • Masked iPhone’s to place your screenshots within

Click here to download.



Apple Pay Data – Faster Purchases, Higher Conversions & Surprises

One month ago we released a new version of our iPhone Application “Merchbar – Merch & Vinyl” that (among other updates) included Apple Pay. After one month, we went back and looked at the results. 

1. People Use Apple Pay

20% of all purchases made through the Merchbar app used Apple Pay.

(This is inclusive of all app users during the period – including those with devices that don’t support Apple Pay and those that haven’t upgraded their application to the newest version.)

2. Apple Pay saves significant information input time 

This is the obvious dream of Apple Pay – Apple knows your info so you’ll never need to type it again: Apple Pay delivers.

Our legacy (and still pretty fast) Merchbar App checkout process requires 103 seconds for customers to type in their full credit card and shipping information, whereas Apple Pay require just 17 seconds to provide us with the same information. [1]

(Massive improvement!)

3. Apple Pay isn’t just faster than native – it is fastest way to input payment and shipping details we’ve seen on any device

When you factor in all steps of the process (input and review) Apple Pay not only blows our native flow out of the water, but our mobile web and even desktop web checkout.

Adding Shipping & Payment Details with Apple Pay is:

  • 7x faster than mobile web and our native application
  • 5x faster than desktop web

(Yet another reason mobile is becoming the first screen.)

4. Apple Pay increases conversions

Apple pay converts users 6.3% better than our traditional payment flow [2].

(But how?)

5. Apple Pay users spend significantly less time reviewing their carts

Apple Pay had big impact on a step of the process that isn’t directly related to Apple Pay – The final, important moment when users finally review their order and press submit. At this point all users (both Apple Pay and traditional payment flow) have provided us with their shipping and payment details and we present them with their total purchase price inclusive of shipping and handling charges. All they need to do is to review and confirm their orders…

Apple Pay users spent half as long reviewing their orders as the traditional payment flow.

(We believe this points to two unique benefits of Apple Pay)

6. Apple Pay makes it easier for customers to get final pricing

As a retailer we aren’t able to show a user actual shipping and tax costs prior to knowing their shipping information. While there are some other clever ways around this or previews we could incorporate, Apple Pay allows us to skip those hacks and not only show the user that information in just seconds with a couple taps, but also show comprehensive pricing to a user whose credit card is now ready to be charged.

(Big win for us.)

7. Apple Pay removes purchase friction – No need to triple check your CC & Shipping Address

Just like you don’t check your credit card number each time you swipe it through a terminal (you trust the system to transfer your details correctly) we believe users trust their Apple Pay details to be transferred correctly AND they trust their Apple Pay details to be correct.

Since they believe both to be correct, they only give their shipping and purchase details a cursory glance prior to confirming their orders.

This likely impacts conversion because it:

  • Reduces fatigue from users that may have mistyped information and don’t want to go back and change it
  • Less review, means faster decision making and ultimately likely enhances our ability to convert impulse buyers

We’re very happy with our decision to incorporate Apple Pay into Merchbar, and can’t wait to see how these numbers evolve as adoption of Apple Pay grows.

We’re hiring engineers & designers! Interested? Send us a link to something you’ve built at

[1] Includes time users spent deciding to use Apple Pay, walking through submission and the system authenticating and transferring their information to us.

[2] For reasons we can’t get into, this number actually only includes numbers for users that have successfully submitted shipping and payment information. We suspect the data from the full funnel is higher.

Merchbar Ships – iOS 8, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+

Ed note: Oops, we were so busy pushing code we forgot to push publish on this post. If you were on that new new iOS8, iPhone 6 or iPhone 6+ you could have (and many of you have) been rocking a Merchbar made just for you for over a week!

It has been just one week since we released Merchbar (a breakthrough iPhone app for discovering and buying merchandise from your favorite bands), but today we are already releasing a significant update with full support for iOS8 but Apple’s brand new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus phones. Download it here!


This version includes many new features for fans, but also speaks deeply to the values we have as the Merchbar team – moving quickly & shipping often. In the process we even wrote two blog posts that saw nearly 20k unique views.

Here are some of the things we built, tested and shipped in the sub-two weeks span between the new devices announcement and submission and approval from the AppStore:

Pinch to zoom
– See more detail on every item. When viewing a product, pinch and zoom with two fingers to enlarge the image.

iOS8 Support
Over 46% of iOS devices have already been updated to the new operating system and now all are fully supported by Merchbar.

Native Support for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus
– The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are a new type of iPhone and their changes go way beyond screen size. Each requires new assets and layout on the larger device (I’ve written a bit about it here). This new release of Merchbar (1.1.3) has been updated to take advantages of the new options presented by these devices.

Obsessive visual updates
– Every version of the app has been updated with a more consistent color palette and refined button outlines.

Enhanced Facebook Integration
– For fans using the For Me feature in Merchbar, we now use the new Facebook SDK (3.14.1) that allows our fans a specific control of the preferences they share with us.

It is exciting to bring a beautiful, improved and natively perfected version of our application to fans utilizing the new phones,